Saturday, May 19, 2012

Gearing up for Camp NaNo2012

Twelve more days until the June session of Camp NaNo2012 begins.  I'm really looking forward to it.  It's my second NaNo event, the first was NaNoWriMo in November 2011, which I won.  This time, I'm going in a completely different direction and writing a fantasy.  The only fantasy I've written so far was in online written RPGs, but the worlds had already been created, and I just had to make my way through them.  I'll have to develop my own world for this novel, which could be disastrous or turn out really well.  

My main character starts out as a young child and slowly ages through the book.  I'm going to have a lot of fun with her, getting in touch with my inner child, although she'll have to face more grown up situations than I did at that age.  Looking forward to it.

I've read Chris Baty's Ready, Set, Novel! and No plot? No problem!  Both good books filled with handy tips.  I'm not panicking so much now because I don't have the novel fully planned out.  Actually, I have very little planned out so far, but I'll just relax and let it come as I write.  Don't want to over plan.

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